The vision of the organization is a world without poverty where men and women rights guaranteed through the love of God.
LINK-Ghana is on the mission to eradicate poverty by overcoming the injustice and inequity that cause it. This will be achieved by working with the poor and marginalized people and their households and communities by igniting their inner potentials to champion their own development
The Food Sovereignty and Livelihoods Development Porgramme has the strategic objective of improving household and community food security and resilience.
With a strategic objective of improving community development and participation through research, advocacy, programming and partnership, key sub-objectives have been se under this:
Under the third programme area of BCC through capacity building, the programme has the strategic objective of improving the mindset of youth and adults leading to improved community development participation and leadership roles.
LINK-Ghana adopts an approach that seeks to improve projects and programs design leading to project and programs implementation and results documentation.
Gender, Disability, Environment and Child Protection are key mainstreaming issues in all programmes and project activities.
CONCEPT NOTE Project Title: Upscaling Aquaponics for Secured Food Security and Resilient Communities Contact Person: Zuweira Yakubu; E-mail: [email protected] Background The region is largely rural and has the highest levels of poverty (68% to 88%), hunger, malnutrition and migration of youth; aggravated by climate change. The region is predominantly agrarian with a single raining […]
LINK Ghana Facilitated School Project in Badu Drobo Community School Receives USA Ambassadorial Special Grant.
On the 10th September, 2020, LINK Ghana organized an inception meeting with key stakeholders. In all, fifteen (14m/1f)) stakeholders, comprising (the chiefs representative, Chief pond guards , Zenga pond guards, Nabiina radio station, assembly members of the catchment of the chief pond, cultural troupes leader, “tindaners”, tourism management committee, transport management committee and restaurant/guest house […]
Communities have varied indigenous weather systems that help them in their daily and seasonal activities. The study conducted in the 18 communities shows that both living and non living things were used as indicators in weather prediction. Indicators used in predicting climatic parameters at the communities surveyed in all the 18 communities. The data collection […]